Prepare yourself for some good news! We’ll wait…
Are you prepared yet?
Boosters are back! They braved the oceans, landed on the shores of Savannah, and are now resting comfortably in a warehouse.
Everyone who pre-ordered the Side Effects Booster Shot will be receiving one shortly. Allow for the USPS to do their thing, which can take about a week or so.
If you haven't bought the Side Effects expansion back, there's no better time like the present.
Are you as happy as we are?! If so, let us know in the comments below. If not, keep it to yourself, and tell us your favorite character from Rocko’s Modern Life, instead — actually you can do this no matter how you feel. I like Heffer.
Holidays of Ampersandi
Did you know that The Ampersandi will occasionally have holiday-themed puzzles??? Check back in during a special day to play a special ampersandi.
Elsewhere, in Pillbox Land…
We’re getting closer and closer to launching a new Kickstarter campaign. What’s the game, you ask? We can’t just tell you! That would be waaaay too easy. Instead, we’ll show you one card and then slink away into the shadows.
